ECOtality and Frog Design unveil Blink EV charger at PlugIn 2010

blink electric vehicle charger by ecotality and fr

Eco Factor: Home and commercial charger for electric vehicles.

Yesterday it was Coulomb Technologies with its new electric vehicle charger and today we have ECOtality and Frog Design with the Blink EV Charger. The developers claim that the Blink Level 2 is the first truly smart charger to hit the market and will be made available in two models – one for residential use and the other for commercial use.

blink electric vehicle charger by ecotality and fr

The chargers offer significant improvements over previous charging stations and work in conjunction with smart grid systems. Blink was designed to emulate drivers’ habits and integrate seamlessly into their lifestyle. Drivers will pull up to their home, garage or carport plug – in their car — and walk away.

blink electric vehicle charger by ecotality and fr

The Blink Level 2 charger delivers a full charge in two to six hours, can be programmed to charge the car when electricity rates are the lowest, and will link to participating utilities and be controlled remotely through smart phone and web applications.

blink electric vehicle charger by ecotality and fr

The Blink system is fully interactive with color touchscreens delivering information, third party media and connectivity to network headquarters. Through its ability to operate a national network, as well as enterprise networks, Blink will provide an array of applications for monetization of the charging space for host and network operator alike.

Via: Engadget/Frog Design

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