Eco Transportation: Capella – Lightweight, foldable, eco friendly electric bike

0bike2 365 08 8wDcA 11446 Eco Factor: Compact, lightweight bike powered by a zero emission electric engine. Truong Minh Nhat, a Ho Chi Minh City University of Architecture student, has devised this green bike, Capella. This folding vehicle definitely cuts on space, provides hassle free transport and helps in keeping the environment clean. This electric bike has a top speed of 30 kmph. As a matter of fact, this bike needs 2 hours’ charging to keep it going for 12 kilometers. You certainly can’t ask for more when you already have a bike that has wheels, chains and chain-ring folded to its body. So, in case it runs out of charge, it’s back-mountable. Hence, I don’t find any problem in terming this compact bike “the future of transportation.” The Dark Side: Though it’s a handy bike and is eco-friendly, still a low top speed of 30km/h and that too only for a distance of 12 kilometer on a single charge are major drawbacks. With such features, there is very less possibility that anyone will find it adorable. Via: Thanhniennews

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