Eco Tech: Parking solar panels on graves to power small Spanish town

cemetery solar panels i89EY 69

Eco Factor: Spanish cemetery converted into a renewable energy center.

A small Spanish town on the outskirts of Barcelona, Santa Coloma de Gramenet, will not be powered by renewable energy that would be generated in the local cemetery. The small town was always low on space for such an infrastructure because the local population of 124,000 was crammed into an area of just four square kilometers. To provide green electricity to such a congested town, authorities proposed a solution that was ingenious and weird at the same time. Their proposal was to erect 462 solar panels in a cemetery holding the remains of 57,000 people.

The infrastructure which covers a mere 5 percent of the total surface area of the cemetery, took three years to build at a cost of $900,000. The electricity generated by the panels is equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of 60 homes and would save 62 tons of carbon dioxide annually.

The Dark Side:

The setup’s 462 solar panels won’t be able to provide enough electricity to lower the town’s carbon footprint. Authorities would have to install more panels to generate more electricity which would consume more area of the cemetery.

Via: FayerWayer

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