Eco Arts: WEEE man speaks volumes about our electronic waste

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Eco Factor: A structure made from electronic items we discard during our lifetime aims to educate on the benefits of recycling.

Statistics show that an average citizen of the United Kingdom produces about 3.3 tons of electronic waste in their lifetime. The waste includes everything from an old cellphone to a couple of washing machines one might buy in an effort to keep pace with technology. In an effort to make people think about their behavior when it comes to disposing electric equipment they no longer want, WEEE man was created by British Royal Society of Arts.

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The structure weighs exactly 3.3 tons and stands at the Eden Project in Cornwall. People don’t really think that their unwanted electrical equipment can be a threat to the ecosystem and they dispose the products in the easiest way possible. The law recognizes that it’s not the sole responsibility of the buyer to dispose the stuff they own. Rather it should be a collective effort of the manufacturer and the buyer to recycle products that are no longer of use. This structure aims to develop an understanding among individuals and manufacturers to devise plans for better recycling of objects that are no longer in use.

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The Dark Side:

Undoubtedly, the structure seems fantastic and will appeal to the common masses as well. Still, there is a bleak chance that people will change their habits watching what the amount they waste during their lifetime.

Via: Trifter

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