Eco Tech: New development in hydrogen storage eases refill

hydrogen storage system imxdg 54

Eco Factor: New hydrogen storage technique eludes refilling delays.

We’ve recently seen some great concept cars, which all depend on hydrogen for power. Though hydrogen is one of the greenest fuels available today, the problems associated with hydrogen storage do make it impossible to develop a car which along with being green is also affordable. Research funded by General Motors Corp. has resulted in a novel hydrogen storage system, which makes filling the fuel tank easy and quick.

Until now, filling hydrogen in a cylinder was delayed because of the heat buildup. This delay resulted in enormous time wastage, which nobody would like. The research team, with an objective to enable motorists to fill their car in minutes, has developed a heat exchanger to fit inside the hydrogen storage vessel. The heat exchanger stores a fine powder, actually a metal hydride, which absorbs hydrogen without emitting much heat.

The Dark Side:

Presently the system is large enough to fit inside a conventional car’s trunk. However, with further developments we might result in a better storage system that doesn’t keep drivers waiting for hours for a refill.

Via: GizmoWatch

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