Eco Tech: German researchers claim record efficiency for multiple layered solar cells

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Eco Factor: Newly developed solar cells work at record efficiency ratings.

The global adoption of solar cells is curtailed due to the lack of efficiency and the high price tag of solar power generators. Researchers all over the globe have been working to increase efficiency to enable end users to generate more power from a fewer number of cells, indirectly lowering the cost of the systems as well. Researchers at Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE have developed a new solar cell that they claim is more efficient that any other cell developed till date.

The triple layered solar cell is made of Gallium-Indium-Phosphid, Gallium-Indium-Arsenid and Germanium concentrates and boasts sunlight to electricity efficiency of 41.1%. The claimed efficiency was reached only after researchers concentrated the sunlight 454 times onto the surface of the cell. The cells which have been developed specifically for concentrated solar power systems is targeted toward countries that have a lot of a direct sunlight.

The Dark Side:

The cells will only be able to make concentrated solar power systems more effective. We are, however, skeptical that the cells will do equally well in other traditional solar systems, which are more in demand due to their cost and installation benefits.

Via: Press Release

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