Eco Tech: AIST’s sugar cube-sized fuel cells works at low temperatures

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Eco Factor: Fuel-cell operable at 550°C.

Cutting down on the size and temperature requirements of fuel cells, The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) has developed a new fuel cell that’s just the size of a sugar cube. The SOFC, or solid-oxide fuel cell, has 25 needle-like modules, each with a diameter of 0.8mm, which are arranged in the shape of a sugar cube.

The fuel cell is reported to generate 3 watts of electricity and is operable of 550°C, which is definitely better than other SOFCs that can only work at temperatures ranging from 700 to 1000°C. Currently the fuel cells are intended for use by automotive APUs where the load change is small.

The Dark Side:

Fuel cells need to do more than just powering up APUs of cars. Moreover the operable temperature of 550°C is still much more than what will actually be required for other urgent uses.

Via: TechOn

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