Eco Gadgets: Invisible Streetlight – Solar-powered streetlight inspired by plants

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Eco Factor: Solar-powered streetlight design.

Whenever solutions to some of the gravest problems confronting humans today are sought, there is no better guide that Mother Nature herself. Designer Jongoh Lee too has taken help from nature in answering the problem of energy and global warming. Lee has designed a stunning new concept for urban streetlights of the future, which is inspired from photosynthesis of plants.

Just like normal tree leaves, the “Invisible Streetlights” are installed along a tree branch, where they harness sunlight during the day and emit light during night to illuminate the street below. The lights are to be designed with a flexible body that can be wrapped around a tree branch without any additional support.

The Dark Side:

The concept looks great on paper, but developing a real product would not be as easy. If solar-powered lights are installed on tree branches they won’t be able to harness much sun due to the thick leaf canopy above them, and even if they are installed at the top of a tree to get rid of the shadow of leaves, their light won’t reach the street below.

Via: DesignBoom

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