Eco Tech: SVSU students to green their campus vehicles with solar and wind energy

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Eco Factor: Electric golf cart charging station running on solar and wind energy.

A team of students at the Saginaw Valley State University have begun working on a great project, which if successful will green all vehicles that are used to run to and from the university greenhouse. The team is building a electric golf cart recharging station, which will actually be a foldable wooden shed with four solar panels capable of generating 800 watts and a wind turbine hoisted on a 12 foot tall pole, which will be capable of generating 400 watts of green electricity.

The energy harnessed from the natural resources will be fed into a bank of eight 6-volt batteries, which will store the charge if none of the golf carts is being recharged. The station should be up and running by April 25. The station has been designed with a collapsible wind mast so that it can be shown off at various events in an effort to depict the power of renewable energy.

The Dark Side:

The system will be completely off-grid and any change in climate will can either generate too much electricity for the golf carts or can also make the students visit the greenhouse on foot.

Via: MLive

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