Eco Reco takes on e-waste monster in Mumbai

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With a flourishing IT sector, over half a million tonnes of e-waste is generated in India every year which, more often than not is dismantled and recycled manually in a hazardous way by poorly protected workers and leaves a mammoth carbon footprint. To tackle this monstrous environmental problem, Eco Reco (Eco Recycling Limited), a Mumbai-based eco-outfit which is a subsidiary of Infotrek Syscom Limited, has come forth to make e-waste recycling safer and more environmentally friendly too. The company picks up discarded electronics from homes, offices, schools, etc., and brings them directly to their own advanced facility for processing and recycling. The waste is put through the shredder and then the metal extractor for separation of components after which the plastic is separated manually. For now the company has over fifty clients including Tata Services (a subsidiary of Tata Motors) and boasts of the title of being the first advanced e-waste recycling facility in India with a processing capacity of 7200 tonnes. We just hope the firm can speed its reach to smaller towns soon where the booming middle class needs to be guided properly about e-waste recycling.

Source: Inhabitat

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