Eco Gadgets: TFO debuts energy-efficient backlight unit at FPD International 2008

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Eco Factor: Ecofriendly 32-inch backlight unit consumes just 39 watts.

While we were still praising the 21 watt Fulwood from VeryPC, here is another energy-efficient gadget for all “Eco Gadget” lovers. Tama Fine Opt (TFO) has developed a new 32-inch backlight unit that just consumes a mere 39W. This new unit was showcased at the FPD international 2008.

The company has been cutting down on the energy used by backlight units since 2007, when they launched a unit that consumed 60 watts. To bring down the wattage from 60 to 37, the company made four major modifications in the unit – the number of CCFLs is reduced to six, optical elements were reviewed, inverter circuit was modified, and finally they also optimized the CCFL temperature. TFO is now planning to cut down the power consumption even further in all subsequent models.

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The Dark Side:

Though we have to appreciate the “Green Effort” being put in by the company, we really feel that the best way to go ecofriendly is to reduce the amount of electronics that they use. Be it any gadget, whether energy efficient or not, all have a finite life span, and if proper care is not taken to recycle them, they all can pose a serious threat to the environment.

Via: Techon/GoodCleanTech

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