Eco Gadgets: Orbital Light – Hanging LED Delight!

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EcoFactor: A pendant lamp that lights up your home with vibrant and bright LED diodes, which also save up on energy.

Modern designers are constantly engaged in finding new ways to bring out little nuggets of eco-delight with their various flashy gadgets. Integrating green energy resources with design and style is not a simple task. Yet, the number of cool eco-friendly gadgets that are available today show that the “Eco-trend” is really catching on. The Orbital Light is one such stylish add-on for your home that judiciously amalgamates form with function. The hanging pendant lamp sports LED diodes which dazzle the space they decorate with vibrant shades and patterns. The design of the Orbital Light ensures that you always get a new pattern and the lighting of the room remains ever-altering and lively.

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The LED diodes don’t just add extra oomph to the lighting but also save on energy, as LEDs consume 80% less energy compared to traditional lighting devices. That makes the Orbital Light, designed by Lucie Koldova, both soothing for your eyes and the planet.
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The Dark Side:

The design is great and while the LEDs do conserve on energy, if you are using normal fossil fuel generated power, then you are still adding to the carbon emissions. Maybe a solar-powered Orbital Lamp would be a cooler and more fashionable approach.

Via: Yankodesign

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