Eco Energy: iJet Solar Cells – Cheap solar cells created from odd ingredients

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EcoFactor: Solar Cells that are fabricated from relatively less expensive ingredients so that more people can enjoy the benefits of green technology.

Solar Energy is spreading rapidly across the globe as people are realizing the true value and convenience of green technology. But one of the major hindrances in the path of solar power is the initial cost that the new technology brings with it. While solar energy is indeed economically beneficial over a long period of time, the initial investment in this technology drives away many interested people. But all that could be a thing of the past if it was up to Nicole Kuepper, a 23 year-old PhD student at the University of New South Wales.

Nicole has developed a new technology where she takes silicon solar cells and sprays on them a substance that is similar to nail polish. Then she uses another spray akin to a nail polish remover to create unique high-resolution patterns. Then the solar cell is baked at a temperature of 550 Fahrenheit in a compartment similar to a pizza oven. This creates cheap but efficient solar panels that are an excellent alternate to the costly ones made by big firms. While these are not as high-tech as those expensive ones, they still more than serve the purpose!

The Dark Side:

The technology is still very primitive and while we would love to see this become a large scale reality very soon, that is highly unlikely.

Via: Cleantechnica

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