Eco Gadgets: AlertMe’s Smart Plug makes you pay a heavy price for energy savings!

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EcoFactor: A power consumption monitoring device that allows you to manage your power supply socket even from a remote source.

AlertMe is launching its new Smart Plug energy monitoring device that allows you to monitor the energy consumption from a particular outlet in your home. All you need to do is to plug in the Smart Plug into the particular outlet and you will receive instant data on the energy that is being consumed in the form of real-time stats. You can access this from your system, on the web or even on your mobile. The wireless broadband and GPRS services allow you to even switch the power source on and off from a remote location. You can also pre-set the power setting and timing for the outlet. Priced at $50, the Smart Plug looks like a pretty smart choice when it comes to energy savings.

The Dark Side:

That is only half the story as the Smart Plug will only work if you purchase it along with AlertMe’s security package, and that package costs you $300. So, if you want to buy the Smart Plug then it will cost you $350 as it does not run without the support of the package. While the makers claim that it will reduce energy consumption by 20%, there are smarter and cheaper options to really cut down on energy wastage.

Via: GoodCleanTech

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