The first step of leading an eco-friendly lifestyle starts with the reduced damage done to the nature. The damage can be reduced only by preventing the cutting of the trees. It is an obvious fact that in order to retain the balance in the ecosystem it is required that further cutting the tress down is prevented. However, the very lifestyles of the human beings are solely depended on the trees. Human beings acquire most of their day to day lifestyle necessities from the tress alone. This results in cutting down the trees, which further results in causing a misbalance to the ecosystem around us. One of the major necessities of our life is the need of paper, which is directly obtained from the trees. The more we look forward to spread literacy among our populace, the more we require paper. Moreover, there is a popular saying that states for a single paper a whole tree is cut down. Therefore, the process of manufacturing paper for our various needs require a lot of trees to be cut down and thus result in the misbalance in the ecosystem and further, results in the global warming we are facing today. This has resulted in the development of Eco-friendly paper made of jumbo dung used at TEDx.
The Solution offered:
As per the saying goes that behind every problem there is a solution, and in this technical era the solution of obtaining paper without cutting down the trees and harming the ecosystem has been developed.ย In the most recent times the researches are looking forward to manufacture and develop eco-friendly objects, which can be developed without cutting the trees down. These materials are developed from the unused or disposed materials, which are recycled and manufactured into various sort of products that are required by the people every other day. These methods of developing eco-friendly items have been put by the experts in the development of papers as well. This innovation is greatly benefitting for the preservation of the ecosystem. This is as a result that the by the means of this method the paper manufacturers are able to develop Eco-friendly paper made of jumbo dung used at TEDx that can be used as regular papers. Moreover, the fundamental fact is that the manufacturing process does not require further cutting down of trees. This helps to prevent the cutting down the trees and supports in the preservation of the eco-system. The solution that is developed has proved to be very useful as it is helping the mankind to put up the banner of Go Green.
The manufacturing components:
The prime element that is put in the manufacturing of this paper might sound a bit ridiculous but has been found to be essential in the manufacturing of this product. The element is jumbo dung or the excrement from the elephant. This element is bleached thoroughly and treated with various organic chemicals and finally combined with other resources. The other components that are required to manufacture this ecofriendly paper are basically the unused materials that are disposed by the people. The Eco-friendly paper made of jumbo dung used at TEDx is a great innovation that will certainly help in the manufacturing of the papers as well as will help in the preserving the natural balance. By the help of this no more trees will be required cutting down to manufacture the paper, which means with the less cutting of trees the nature will be able to help itself and in due course of time it will regain its former self. Moreover, this will prevent the growing misbalance in the ecosystem and check the global warming.