Eco-friendly innovations that can help deal with the global drinking water crisis

Drinking water crisis is a global disgrace. In the era of hi-tech innovations, it is just not acceptable that we cannot provide a very basic need for survival to the less fortunate ones. It is not only acute thirst that is the cause of suffering but also the waterborne diseases caused by harmful bacteria and germs that practically compounded the problem.

The global records are alarming. Every year around 3.575 million people perish from consumption of contaminated water. Half of the hospital beds around the world are populated with patients suffering from water-borne diseases, hygiene issues, and lack of sufficient, clean drinking water.

Against this sordid backdrop, the need to devise effective means to resolve the water crisis at a global level becomes indispensable. Let us explore some of the eco-friendly innovations that can help in tackling this global crisis.

Magical water purifying powder:

The credit goes to a small Japanese firm that has come up with a unique water treatment solution employing a cleansing powder. The wonder powder contains a polymer of amino acid, glutamic acid, and a coagulating agent synthesized from a seething soybean broth, which has the potential to coagulate the dirt in the water, allowing it to sink at the bottom.

Safety of use and environment-friendly feature of the powder has been clearly established. It has a ready application in various industries – ranging from food, cosmetic products to industrial equipment.

Depending upon how murky the water source is, just 1 gram of the powder is capable of treating up to 5 liters of dirty water. Water with a varying PH level and temperature intensity can be treated by this cleansing powder. The Japanese water treatment powder found productive application in countries facing acute water shortage – like India, Bangladesh, Somalia, and Tanzania.

In partnership with International Organization for Migration, Japan International Cooperation Agency has used this powder in internally displaced people’s camp in Mogadishu, the capital of war-torn Somalia. The powder has helped to control diseases such as diarrhea, and other illnesses affecting Somalian kids sheltered in these camps.

Not only the wonder powder, but also some innovative eco-friendly devices for water purification have the potential to solve drinking water problem, if marketed properly.

Water purification bicycle:

Introduced to the market by Japan’s Nippon Basic Company, this water purification bike was called cyclo-clean and used in villages far from modern civilization. It uses kinetic energy to purify water and you can ride it to the nearest water source, get it purified and drink it to your heart’s content.

Life sack:

Designed by 3 Koreans – Jung Uk Park, Myeong Hoon Lee and Dae Youl Lee, this local water purification device is very potent. It can also be used as storage for grains. UVA radiation and thermal treatment system of the device act in combination to kill harmful germs.

Pure water filter bottles with UV rays:

The device employs chlorine and iodine tablets and takes half an hour for water purification. It uses a synergy of 4-micron sized water filter and a wind-up UV ray system and takes about 2 minutes to purify dirty water. The system eliminates about 99.99% of contamination.

Life Straw:

This is a long and slender cigar-shaped pipe with some great engineering built in. You can draw in the water safely through the device which instantly kills the disease-causing germs before it enters your mouth protecting you against dysentery, typhoid, cholera, and diarrhea. It is a very low priced and effective device.

Ceramic water filters:

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This was used in Cambodia on a large scale especially in those regions suffering from poverty and diseases. The device has successfully checked half of the diarrhea-related sickness. It has a fireclay filter with tiny holes of ceramic to arrest all bacteria and protozoa. The device uses the force of gravity in the filtration procedure and the flow rate is 1-3 liters of purified water per hour.

Hamster ball-shaped solar ball:

It is a spherical shaped purification device using solar power. It uses the process of evaporation by sunlight to separate dirt from drinkable water and yields 3 quarts of clean water per day.

Fixt Nomad:

This small, pocket-sized wonder device allows you to drink water from any non-salt source even urine or from the public toilet. Sounds nauseating? But it is incredible! This filter can be used to purify a glass of water or screwed to a hot water tank for water purification. It uses ionic absorption technique together with the application of iodinated resin affecting annihilation of 99.9999% of bacteria and virus.

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