Eco Boats: Dutch designers combine sustainability and luxury in a 38m superyacht

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Eco Factor: Catamaran superyacht made from environmentally responsible materials.

Dutch-based design studio René van der Velden Yacht Design has introduced a new concept in luxury catamarans that will blur the gap between sustainability and luxury with a high comfort and low drag platform.

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The 38m design takes advantage of slim, ideally shaped displacement hulls to assure low resistance across the speed range. The unique design enables the standard propulsion of the catamaran to easily attain 25 knots and excellent fuel economy at all speeds.

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The yacht’s design reduces emissions and uses construction materials with a small ecological footprint. With these aesthetics the yacht will provide a more sustainable outing. The designers are also offering optional serial hybrid propulsion to further maximize the green qualities.

Via: SuperYachtTimes

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