Eco Arts: MGIRI’s Solar Charkha churns out more thread on green energy

ibn ymolo

Eco Factor: Spinning wheel designed to be powered by solar energy.

A symbol of Mahatma Gandhi’s fight against the British Empire, charkha has seen some modifications, thanks to technology and the need to think and work green. The Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Rural Industrialization has developed a unique charkha that runs on renewable energy.

The device has been put on display at Khadi Utsav 2009, organized by Gujarat Khadi Gramudhyog and Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC), in Surat, Gujarat. The system is powered by two solar panels, each capable of generating about 37W of power.

The solar panels feed energy into a 12V battery that can keep the charkha spinning for up to three hours in the absence of the sun. In addition to being ecofriendly, the solar charkha can also produce about 3500 running meters of khadi thread, which is significantly more than the 2000 running meters produced by a traditional charkha.

Image Courtesy: Wikipedia

Via: Times of India

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