Eco Architecture: Eco Towers by Greeen! Architects will save 1700 tons of CO2 annually

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Eco Factor: Sustainable towers for office use will carry green gardens.

Greeen! Architects have proposed a sustainable office building, dubbed Eco Towers, designed to be constructed in Hamburg, Germany that will include gardens at various levels to ensure that employees work in a natural and healthier environment.

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The building is designed to accommodate 1400 people and will include several public areas as well as green gardens. Since the southern end of the project is close to a highway, the designers opted to build a façade that prevents the impact of noise and heat against the east and south directions. The panels used in the façade provide natural ventilation and sun protection.

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The other side of the complex features a transparent façade that allows natural light to filter through to lower the building’s energy requirements. The upper levels of the building are reserved for office use, and the lower levels carry exhibition spaces and restaurants.

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The use of sustainable and energy-conserving systems will lower the overall energy demands and the building will obtain a carbon footprint rating of just 18.9 kg CO2/m2a, thereby saving about 1700 tons of CO2 per year.

Via: ArchDaily

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