ONG&ONG & SOM design Jurong General Hospital with a sky garden

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Eco Factor: Sustainable hospital design will maximize daylight and minimize its footprint.

Ong&Ong have unveiled the master plan for the Jurong General Hospital competition, which has been designed in collaboration with SOM Asia Limited. The design is largely influenced by the concept of a “Healing Sanctuary,” where the patients will be kept in an environment that feels as close to nature as possible.

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The design is a fine balance between nature and science to facilitate recovery. To minimize the footprint of the hospital complex, the architects are planning a sky garden atop the building. In addition to the sky garden, another garden will be merged seamlessly together with the building to further enhance its accessibility and integration.

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Despite the horizontal appearance of the building, its circulation system flows vertically to minimize the travel distance between each tower. The interiors of the hospital will be filled with natural light and the interiors will face the garden.

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Via: Ong&Ong

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