Thanks to the trend of sustainability among millennials, Grey water recycling systems are gathering popularity. These aren’t just limited to areas that face a scarcity of water resources. Now that people are becoming aware of the oncoming water crisis, they are utilizing these systems everywhere. In fact, if you really want to manage grey water in your home, you don’t have to go out to buy such a system. With a little technical knowledge and a lot of positive intentions, you can easily create one at home.
DIY: A smart system to manage your grey water
At some point or the other, we all had to deal with managing our water resources. Even if water is available in plenty in a certain region, it does not go on to imply that you disrespect it by wasting it needlessly. Its time to step out of your “little pond” & step into the “big ocean” & think about making planet Earth a better place. Here is a way in which we all can contribute for a better tomorrow & do our little part in conserving our resources.
Grey water is the water that you use in your house that can be further used for purposes such as gardening. This simple technology goes a long in helping people who desperately want to have a garden, but till today have stepped back on the idea for want of water. The water collected from your household chores, like say from your washing machine or dish washer is initially filtered o make it more suitable. It then is used to water the plants using an automatic pump. The tank is designed in such a way that it has an in-built timer to prevent stagnation.
This enables you to re-use water, help make the planet cleaner & greener & also save some bills. Sounds exciting, doesn’t it. Then why hesitate, just go ahead & learn how to build your own Grey Water Recycler, in few easy steps.
Go ahead, click it, you don’t want to back out after coming so far, do you?
Some more creative appliances that manage grey water
1. Grey water recycling system
Eco Factor: Water recycling system prevents fresh water from going down the drain.
One of the most extensive yet most wasteful uses of fresh water is to flush your toilet with water so pure that you could actually drink it. Folks over at the Sloan Valve Company have developed a system that will prevent potable water from going down the drain, and all it requires are some DIY skills and little bit of plumbing knowledge.
Known as the Sloan® AQUS® Greywater System, the device connects to your sink drain at one end and to the flush tank at the other. As water from your sink drain enters the system it filters it to make it fit for flushing and transfers it to the flush tank. The inventors of the system state that this grey-water recycling system could potentially save about 5000 gallons of fresh water from going down the drain annually.
2. Recycling Kitchen Sink to manage grey water
EULO is a sink that performs instant grey water recycling for reuse whilst washing dishes; providing constant rinsing without the water waste. I suppose this is a sink that would perfectly fit into the home of Monica Geller-Bing. It features three levels of inbuilt filtration; a primary particle strainer, a gravity activated carbon filter and a UV sanitizer. It also includes automatic detergent mixing and an entirely freshwater tap. If that does not ensure clean dishes, then I do not understand what does. To top it all off, you can rinse them as many times as you want without wasting any water.
Now this is basically how the sink works, according to the makers at least. The water that flows out from the initial process, passes through a primary particle strainer that fits into the main sink basin, then located directly beneath the plughole the water is further filtered by the gravity activated carbon filter and lastly sanitized using ultra-violet light. The water has detergent mixed automatically before being pumped back through the grey water tap.
So it basically keeps everything simple and hassle free once installed. With growing concern to conserve water resources across the planet, this kind of system is really useful and simple to have. It can be really helpful while conserving water at home.
3. Grey Water recycling system for your sink
Ava Vanity Basin is designed to re-use the clean water that would normally be wasted down the drain or to grey-water when the tap is running and no washing or use is in progress. This ensures that you do not waste a lot of water and the water used in your sink is re-used for purposes such as flushing your toilet or even gardening.
It is designed with a simple melamine thermoset injection moulded casing, polycarbonate poppet valve with PU seal that has a simple assembly process managed with-in seconds using a snap fit anchor on the valve foot. The valve may be retro-fitted to existing basins and has varied basin applications from the bathroom vanity to the kitchen. The poppet valve opens when its spring return pressure is over come by the downwards fluid force of the water.
The water re-use valve transcends simplicity and makes use of all water that is flowing to the basin. If the water is not used for cleaning or other purposes at the basin then it is diverted for reuse.
4. Harris A’s Grey water management system
Conservation of water is something that is paramount considering the fat that the planet is plunging each day towards a future where fresh water is going to be far more difficult to obtain than ever before. Many do believe that since their current supply of water is pretty good, it will continue to be so in the future as well. But that in no way is true and irrespective of the part of world one resides in, it paramount that we conserve water for a better tomorrow.
According to this fashionable new grey water system, water from washing hands in the bathroom sink gets drained away all the time, while fresh clean water is being used to flush the toilet. Harris A’s proposal is to let the sink water flow into the toilet’s tank, to be stored for when the toilet needs to be flushed. Later models and designs will probably include diverting runoff from laundry as well. The system allows one to not waste water for simply nothing and makes use of existing resources to the optimum.
Eco-imagination is a relatively new concept that is catching on fast across the planet and it is nice to see that more and more people are taking to it so well. Now, one hopes that this stylish new system does indeed help promote grey water management further and takes it in to a very real and practical realm.
5. ‘Grey Water’ Harvesting System
Eco Factor: Grey water capturing and recycling system saves potable water.
Designed by Stuart Winkless, the Grey Away system works by recycling water from areas such as gutters and sinks. This is then cleaned through a two-stage carbon filtration system and is pumped back into the home to be used in toilet refilling while also being sent into the garden to be used for watering plants.
The Grey Away uses recyclable materials in its construction and it only requires human interaction when the filter needs cleaning, which is approximately after every six months. The system also uses standard components in order to achieve this, such as a water pump for the distribution of recycled water and a toilet refilling system, which is used to prevent the system from becoming low or overflowing.
We can almost not stress enough on how fresh water management is essential in today’s world and recycling Grey water becomes an integral part of that. When we leave the water in our sink on without really worrying about turning it off when not in use, we waste more water than we use in a day. Just because the tap happens to be open and the fact that right now you have plenty of water does not mean that you just leave it open even when not needed. This is exactly why I do believe that the ones with motion sensors are such a boon. But what if you cannot afford that?