DJ Trike: Zero-emission, mobile DJ center to ensure greater social interaction

The DJ Trike

No, it’s not one of those ubiquitous Indian trike ‘vans’ prevalent in every street and gully corner of a city. As a matter of fact, designer Jonathan Igharas has tried to uniquely contemplate a simplistic, interactive solution to the complexity of urban space with his one and only DJ trike. Inspired and justified by the allure of contemporary urban street culture, this zero-emission, pedal powered trike can be best described as a mobile ‘jukebox’ manned by a DJ.

Basically utilizing a conventional trike from Beijing, the whole vehicle has been ingeniously incorporated with audio/visual equipment inside the conspicuous platform (on the back section). Powered by a rechargeable marine battery and a power inverter, the contraption can be used to literally play music or even display projections onto urban structures, to create a collective environment based on societal interaction.

This spatially efficient platform may outwardly exhibit a linear, cube form, but adroit design considerations taken on behalf of the designer allows it have a greater degree of portability. Sliding rails integrated with the conception makes the cubical form easy to access and assemble. Moreover, an additional storage area provides space for extra wires and related paraphernalia.

Overall, the whole vehicular design is conceived as an apt mobile platform for DJs to freely scamper through the crowded city streets, and offer their skill. In the process, the whole conception acts a portable ‘communal center’ that contributes to a dynamic and collective ambiance relating to a macro-scale public space. And to top that off, it’s sustainable, and that’s what seriously interests us here on EcoFriend.

Via: MakeUse

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