ElectroSolar Catamaran is propelled by renewable solar energy

Electro SolarThe decline in the levels of fossil fuel reserves and the rise in their cost have made researchers think and believe in alternative sources of energy that depend on natural resources. The results of the same are encouraging, with frequent enhancements in renewable energy generation systems. Moreover, this technological advancement has also made inventors come up with newer transportation solutions that rely on self-generated electricity. The recent meeting of Legambiente held at Lake Maggiore in Lesa provides ample proof for the same. The main objective of the meeting was to discuss a new solar powered catamaran that could make boating pleasurable and green at the same time.

This culminated into a project called the solar catamaran. The project seeks to use the sun’s energy as a source of propulsion for the solar catamaran. This catamaran will be contributing in the Solar Challenge, an event wholly dedicated to solar boats. Made up of the hulls of a Formula 18 catamaran, this zero-emission catamaran carries about about 10 square feet of high-efficiency photovoltaic modules, which collectively generate about 2KW of power.

The specialty of these modules is that they possess the capacity to provide optimal conditions to convert solar energy into electric power. The power is used by an electric motor which propels the catamaran to a top speed of up to 8 knots. The project can be acknowledged as a talented start to harness the intense power of solar energy which has the potential to translate into similar projects in future as well.

Via: YachtAndSail

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