Cozy Shelter: Cool little inflatable hideout to help you camp outdoors

Lambert Kamps seems to be the designer who loves to work with the inflatable structures and uses them brilliantly to create vivid edifices that merge into various backdrops with ease. The Cozy Shelter is another from that line of designs which blows up into what looks like a sandbag bunker built diligently to keep the enemy away. But get closer and its intricate design and soft interiors will tempt you to walk right in.

Cozy Shelter

The design is intend to use as an outdoor shelter and considering the wide variety of situations in which it can be used, the cozy shelter possesses plenty of utility value. This is all the more true if you wish to quickly make some arrangements to camp over for the night in the middle of nowhere. It can also act a wonderful temporary shelter in disaster hit area, if modified a tad bit to make it a more economically viable model.

The use of Cozy Shelter not only gives you a cool looking alternative to the traditional camp tents, but it also presents you with a vivid and unique interior that will keep you warm and safe on the cold night. Part of the exhibition in Design Museum in Helsinki, it might also encourage outside campers to reduce shopping down on timber for some of their shelter needs. What makes inflatables so cool is the fact that they can fit into most spaces and provide wonderful places of shelter at an instant. Maybe that is something that more natural disaster management teams should look at in the times to come!

Via: Lambert Kamps

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