CNRS researchers develop biofuel cell for electricity producing cactus


Eco Factor: Engineered cactus generates renewable energy using photosynthesis.

In an effort to find new sources of renewable energy, researchers at France’s CNRS have developed a unique biofuel cell that can be inserted into a living cactus to generate energy using the two main products of photosynthesis – oxygen and sugar.

During tests, the research team was able to generate an output of 9W per square centimeter. The system also enabled the research team to watch photosynthesis in action by tracking real-time changes of glucose levels in plants.

The team also observed that the output increased considerably when a desk lamp was switched on to escalate photosynthesis. The innovation not only helps in understanding the processes of photosynthesis but also paves way for new technologies that can use this “plant-power” for renewable electricity.

Via: GreenBang

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