A-TAC is an earth-friendly answer to rising terror threats

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Eco Factor: Zero-emission armored vehicle runs on electricity.

After the Mumbai terror attacks in 2008, Indian soldiers were in need of specialized vehicles that can operate in narrow corridors, hotel lobbies and other confined spaces, either to engage terrorists or extract civilians. Metaltech Motor Bodies Pvt. Ltd saw the solution in an all-electric bulletproof vehicle that resembles a golf cart.

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Dubbed A-TAC (Anti-Terrorist Assault Cart), the vehicle was showcased at the Arms Fair, and weighs in at under half a ton. The A-TAC can prowl around corridors and also fit into service elevators. Dotted with four firing ports, the A-TAC has bulletproof windows and can withstand grenade blasts.

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The onboard batteries last for six hours on a single charge with a top speed of 25kph. Costing $45,000, the prototype drew applause from visitors as well as Indian military scientists.

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Via: AutoMotto/AFP

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