Charles builds ‘Eco-Palace’ as his son’s wedding gift

prince charles and his son william 9

Prince Charles is planning an environment-friendly wedding gift for his eldest son William. It’s a palatial country house to be packed with eco-friendly features – which includes solar powered heating, wood chip boilers and sheep’s wool for insulation.

The building of the eco-friendly mansion – the 900-acre Hare wood Park estate — being personally overseen by Charles, is located in Herefordshire. Charles bought the mansion for an estimated £5million six years ago, spending again the same on its rebuilding.

In addition to 6 bedrooms, 5 five bathrooms, and other rooms, the palace will be having a boot room where the couple can hang up their clothes to dry instead of wasting energy on driers!

An on-site eco-sewage is being built to filter waste through a bed of reeds.

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