Brac System – Grey Water could save the blue planet!

brac system of grey water management

Water scarcity is bound to hit all of us at some point (it will, trust me). So read on, to know how to manage your water resources. But first, is seems to me we are bothered about so many natural resources constantly & are always innovating methods to save & maximize the available resources. Now why is this the case? Why is man constantly bothered about the various environmental changes? Well, for starters because he needs it to survive (or else do you think he would ever be really bothered?). But more importantly because he is the one who wrecked a wonderful ecological balance, which already existed. In short, he is on a constant repair job

Water resources (clean water that is) are scarce. With ever increasing demand for water, it becomes imperative that we use it in the best possible way. So here is another idea to save your water. “Grey Water” is the water that you have already used for various tasks in your homes. It could be water out of your dishwasher or out of your washing machine. This water can be re-directed for purposes such as flushing your toilets & for your garden. Sure this needs some recycling first & a system to allow the process.

Here is where we have a technology called “Brac System”. It is a container (tank) that would collect all your water from all the sources at your place & recycle them & re-use them for various tasks. It is estimated that you can save nearly 30% of water resources you consume daily just by substituting Gray water instead of clean water. The system is easy to be installed & was picked by Sustainable Industries Magazine to its list of “Top 10 Green Building Products 2007”. The system was first installed in Atlanta Georgia in the home of Robert Cone. The city of Atlanta Bureau has approved it & I see no reason why it should not have.

With Grey water management becoming such a major issue, I suggest you seriously start considering it. No matter even if you live right besides Nile!


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