Behouden: Aesthetic energy monitoring clock for the stylish household!

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We all say that we want to save energy but keep asking about how exactly to do it and if we had any benchmarks to judge our efforts against. Well, the simplest one is the bill that you pay each month for the power you consume, but since it does not give you a detailed account of how you spend the energy and where you can actually cut down and save it for both your own pocket’s sake and that of the planet, it would indeed be nice to have a device that helps you in this matter. While I will not say that there is a lack of such devices these days, there are few that are actually as good and stylish as the Behouden.

Not only is the Behouden an elegant clock that is itself made completely from recycled materials but it also makes sure that you know exactly how much amount of energy one consumes and how one can save it. The clock puts the usage both in terms of KW consumed and also in the form of cash that you need to pay. I always think this is better as people care les for the power reading and more for the ‘$’ reading. This should drive the point of reducing wastage home.
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The clock is designed to be placed in the most used room of the house and is fitted with an LCD screen that gives you both clear and perfect view of the power consumed. The clock comes with a replacement Bus and a special Fuse box for it as well. The clock is really a great asset and it also makes for a very aesthetic accessory that helps you combat excess power consumption.

Via: thomasjowen

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