Be a part of technology driven Eco friendly products

Eco friendly products are very much in demand owing to its efficiency and long lasting nature. With the advent of technology, it has become easy to introduce new concepts and come up with a fresh product that is definitely reliable. Recently a portable generator has been designed that makes the use of batteries to convert kinetic energy into electrical energy. The complete setup is in the form of a soccer ball which has attracted most of the people. Apart from being used as a generator, it can also be employed for providing lighting through an LED bulb. It is definitely a multipurpose device designed in a very unique way.

Though it is entirely based on technology and the general concept of physics but to transform studies into practicality is definitely difficult. It requires lots of hard work to come up with a concept that is new and surprises everyone. There are many interesting facts about this soccer ball cum portable generator so let us discuss some of the innovative concepts that led to this discovery.


From where the energy comes into the ball and how it is utilized?

The very first need of the portable generator is the energy without which it cannot work. As you are aware that the portable generator is in the form of a ball, when it is used for playing, the kinetic energy of the ball is stored and conserved within it. The same energy is then used for running the generator or even to provide illumination to a small area. The concept of storing the energy in the ball comes from the patent technology which has been utilized very finely keeping in mind even the minute issues of the portable generator.

Designing of portable generatorย 

The design of portable generator consists of both domestic as well as imported products fitted together to form a complete assembled device. Every component is fully tested to ensure that it works well and there are no issues faced during its working.


Multipurpose portable generator cum soccer ball

Portable generator services two purposes, firstly it can be used a generator and secondly for illumination too. The basic purpose of designing such a device was to provide power facilities in the area where there was no electricity. There are many areas of Africa and South Asia where people are still living without electricity. With the help of such an invention it has become possible for them to enjoy the fruits of electricity without investing a huge amount of money in it. Thus portable generators have come as a great boon for many people.

The second benefit of the soccer ball it that it can be used as a source of illuminated. A compared to the kerosene lamp, it offers much brighter and will save energy too. Kids can use it in the form of the desk lamp for studying or reading purposes too. The bulb fitted with the soccer bulb is Eco friendly therefore it is much more efficient and also serves several advantages too. Thus depending on the need, portable generators can be employed in any way you like.


Invention of portable generator has definitely opened new doors of opportunities for the researchers to come up with innovative as well as useful ideas. Just like the soccer ball there are many more machines which can be designed to fulfill the needs of the people. Technology has played a crucial role in its designing only then the device has been able to succeed and catch the attention of the people. To collect more information about this portable generator, just take the help of the internet where you will find the latest updates on this new innovation.

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