Are dirty diapers the newest means of fuel?

dirty diapers for fuel

For quite some time now, we have been trying to find out new means of fuel . This Canadian company ‘AMEC’ definitely has come up with the newest means to get fuel. However disgusting, it might sound, this company promises to transform dirty landfill diapers into synthetic diesel fuel.

On a daily basis, most developed countries, a large quantity of diapers is disposed, say for example in USA, almost 18 billion disposable diapers flock the garbage tins every year. Keeping in mind this huge number, this Canadian company wants to turn this waste to most desirable fuel source.

The method to be implied for this activity is called Pyrolysis. Though not really unknown, this process involves applying heat (approximately as high as 600C) to the used diapers in a closed atmosphere lacking oxygen. After breaking the carbon chain following this process will supposedly produce fuel.

Though this plan is in a budding stage, AMEC surely looks towards a successful carryout of this method of extracting fuel from diapers, rather than picking in garbage truck. They want to collect diapers only from local hospitals (from Quebec, around 30,000 ton of diapers), initially. The collection of used landfill diapers look quite an assured means as it is one of the most commonly and necessary disposable things that this company can lay their hands on.

The facility for this unique method of producing fuel is expected to start with the production about a year and half. Now, how dirty a business this might turn out, hard to predict. But at least we can hope to get a cleaner and greener atmosphere, if this become a turns out fine. Time to say good bye to toxic fumes!


Via: Green Daily

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