Aleutia E1 is a rugged computer designed for anyone living off the grid. Because the E1 consumes only 8W of power (most laptops consume about 60W), it can be powered by inexpensive solar panels or 12V car batteries. Traditional desktop computers are heavy, consume lots of power, and feature expensive processors unnecessary for all but the most demanding customers. This $265 Aleutia E1 is tiny, silent, uses only 5 percent of the power as consumed by most desktops, and can do everything except video editing and 3D gaming. It is Word and Excel compatible and can be used to browse the web, and so provides a basic computing experience in remote areas.
The E1 is an eco friendly computer with smaller motherboard that means less toxins – like most electronic products, this product too contains elements which can be environmentally damaging, but since it features a mainboard that is just 16 percent the size of conventional motherboards, there’s a lot less damage. Everything is made on one assembly line, reducing the amount of carbon emissions that are produced during manufacturing. One doesn’ t have to be a computer geek to operate this green desktop, as made for harsh environments, the E1 requires next to zero technical know-how. The E1 is available with a portable solar panel, a low-power LCD, and features a battery that lasts up to 14 hours.
Via: Gureala