Aceh community to use world’s first solar concentrator cookers

solar cooker

The Aceh communities will be testing a new solar cooker for the first time in the world. Funded by strategic investors in Germany, the solar cooking system bids to minimize firewood and other fuel consumption, improving not only the air quality, but also the respiratory health of users.

The cooking kit is called the Solar Concentrator Cooker K14. Assembling the device does not need a high level of technical knowledge. Any individual can use the cooker, placing it outdoors for frying, steaming, baking including any other types of cooking. The user has to place the cooker above a parabolic dish-shaped reflector and the food is placed in a heat-retaining box. With a diameter of 140 cm, the cooker can give you a service of 20 years.

The project advisor and energy researcher, Herliyani Suharta said,

a thousand units of solar cookers will arrive in the hands of their users in the Sabang islands and the city of Badar in South East Aceh on Oct. 10… If this experimental project is successful, then the world will look at it as a benchmark and start emulating the program worldwide.

Developer Klimaschutz e.V. from Germany, distributor PT Petromart Agrotech from Jakarta, the provincial government and two NGOs from Aceh cooperate to move the project forward.

Via; The Jakarta Post

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