Opel’s hybrid Flextreme GT/E to debut at Geneva Motor Show

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Eco Factor: Low-emission car powered by a hybrid engine.

The Opel Flextreme GT/E is the newest concept by Opel/Vauxhall that has been built on the foundations of the Opel Flextreme concept from 2007. The concept is designed to illustrate the usefulness of extended-range EV systems in large or midsize cars. The Flextreme GT/E features aerodynamic shape and a low drag coefficient to maximize speed and performance.

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The vehicle is driven entirely by electric motors, which rely on a lithium-ion battery. The motors can propel the vehicle to a top speed of 125mph and a 0-60mph time of under nine seconds. The vehicle’s onboard batteries are good for a range of 40 miles, after which a small 1.4-liter 4-cyclinder engine kicks in to act as a generator.

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With the generator the vehicle’s range is extended to 300 miles with a fuel efficiency of 175mpg. The exterior design of the Flextreme GT/E has been dedicated for maximum aerodynamic efficiency. At speeds above 30mph, a vertical panel extends along the body from the air extraction slot behind each rear wheel-arch, to guide high-speed airflow around the rear corners of the car to further reduce turbulence.

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Via: Diseno-Art

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