According to research, it is said that most of the air which we inhale is already polluted. As compared to outdoor pollution, indoor pollution is extremely harmful for human body. Even if you over look the airborne hazards, you cannot ignore the fact that your home have more toxic environment. It is said that compared to outside air, your home is 2 to 5 time polluted. People or children having asthma problem or elder people are said to be sensitive to indoor pollutants. Other people can have harmful effects which can appear years later. Indoor irritants and allergens have become more harmful these days for the fact that we spend most of time indoors. As modern homes are airtight, it is difficult for irritants to escape easily. Hence, to remain secured from this problem, here are 5 simple ways to reduce indoor air pollution.
1. Proper ventilation
Cleaning, cooking, polishing your nails and using hair spray are some reasons that release volatile organic compounds. These problems are somehow linked with different health problems. To get rid of this problem, you should use exhaust hoods or fans in kitchen or bathroom. This will eliminate the exposure and lessen down the humidity making mildew and mold. Regular free mold inspections are needed to make sure you are living in a safe environment. If you have fireplace, make sure that before using it flare dumper must be open. Poor ventilation allows the pollutants to remain in air.
2. Health concsious heating
According to research, almost 70% of Americans have central heating source out of which 50% of heaters are never filtered. Out of which 10% never had a filter replacement. Hence you have to make sure that you inspect the heater annually and replace the filter in every 3 months. To change filters is not difficult. Some of them either need to be thrown away or slid out. For protection, installing HEPA grade furnace filters can be good choice as they remove the particles and get the smallest one as well.
3. No Smoking zone
The single most and basic reason for air indoor pollution is secondhand cigarette smoke. Cigarette smoke has more than 4,000 chemicals. According to studies, secondhand smoke which increases the child risk of getting respiratory or eat infection, breathing problem, sudden infant death syndromes, asthma, cancer and many more. Among adults, problem like heart attacks, cancer and stoke chances are more. To get rid of all this problems, you must go for nicotine-replacement therapy, some medicines that can control your smoking problem. Other than these go for some counseling and start thing positively
4. Test for radon
Other than smoking, radon is another cause of indoor air pollution. It can cause lung cancer which is life threatening. Radon is said to be naturally occurring radioactive gas which is found in large amount in most of the America cities. It leaches out of the home though building foundations or basements. To prevent this problem, test kits for radon are available at affordable price which is easy to use. You can buy it from some hardware store. Radon is said to be unhealthy for people. Hence, make sure that you perform radon test frequently.
5. Good humidity level
Mold and dust mites are usually presence tin the moisture. You have to make sure that you keep humidity around 30-50% which can keep the allergens under control. For this, a dehumidifier can eliminate the moisture in indoor air. This will control the allergens effectively. Even having air conditioner at home can reduce indoor air pollen count. Other things like avoiding overwater house plants ot venting the clothes dryer outside can be helpful. Try to empty the drip pans in your window air conditioner and dehumidifier.