Yahoo’s self-cooled, energy-efficient data center receives official opening

yahoos self cooled energy efficient data center

Eco Factor: Energy-efficient data center uses 40 percent less electricity than typical data centers.

Sporting the Yahoo Chicken Coop design, Yahoo’s new energy-efficient data center was officially opened yesterday. Located in Lockport, N.Y., the building is designed to take advantage of the prevailing winds in keeping the interiors cool. It will use 40 percent less electricity than typical data centers and only one percent of its energy bill on cooling.

The Yahoo data center, holding 50,000 servers, will have a power usage effectiveness rating of 1.08, which is quite less compared to the industry average of 1.92. The cool air of upstate New York helps in reducing the need for the chillers, saving both energy and water. The company claims that trimming down the number of chillers can conserve enough drinking water to meet the requirements of 200,000 people annually.

The Chicken Coop design utilizes a long, narrow building that makes it easier to circulate in outdoor air. Yahoo is seeking a patent for its Chicken Coop design, so that it could be used for other data centers as well. The Department of Energy Green IT has funded $9.9 million to help Yahoo shape up a structure that beats the present technology with its innovative and ingenious design.

Via: CnetNews

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