World’s first plastic motor powered light – future seems to be brighter!

light powered motor 5XlEU 5784The world’s first plastic motor powered solely and directly by light is a ground breaking news in our green world! Till now we all are well versed with the regular solar-powered motors that use photovoltaic cells along with paraphernalia of stuff like wires and batteries to convert light to electric power. However this first-of-a-kind motor converts light directly into mechanical energy, thanks to a belt made from a special elastomer whose molecular structure expands or contracts when illuminated, depending on the wavelength of light. Worked upon since a long time by professor Tomiki Ikeda and his team at Tokyo Institute of Technology, this belt demonstrated about 4 times more elastic strength than human muscle, and its strength remained unchanged even after contracting and expanding every 7 seconds for 30 hours.

Though at present it’s too raw to ascertain something substantial, Ikeda, suggests that the shape-shifting plastic can be used in larger-scale applications… power plastic automobiles and other fantastic plastic machines.

Via Pinktentacle

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