Affordable solar cooker for eco friendly alfresco cooking

new solar cooker T4tUq 5784 I was stunned to learn that about 1.5 million people die each year from indoor cooking related disease, according to WHO statistics. Never realized the severe consequences of cooking a meal at home. How else are urbaners supposed to do it? Anyways, MIT students have a solution for healthy and green (read eco-friendly) cooking with an affordable solar cooker. Originally intended for rural Himalayan villages, this solar cooker is made out of yak-wool canvas panels stretched over bamboo ribs and faced with reflective Mylar. Hence it helps to cut down on the use of open fires fed with yak dung or wood, which generate particulate-filled smoke. Considerably light weighted, this unit is estimated to cost just $17 and additional $26 for a metal coil attachment that can be added for home heating. Wining accolades at MIT IDEAS competition, this solar cooker also intends to see day light as it has succeeded to garner interest from local manufacturers. May be city dwellers can relocate their kitchen to patio or backyard to accommodate such a solar powered cooking gadget!

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