Wind Power is an eco friendly way to boost Mercedes EV in UK

wind power to boost mercedes ev in uk
With a plunge into the eco friendly market with launching an entire fleet of environmentally responsible ideas in this year’s Frankfurt Motor show, Mercedes has done it again by introducing wind power for its electric smart for two vehicles. In the head UK head office in Milton Keynes, a 20 m tall vertical axis wind turbine is installed. One of the six in the country, the turbine is specially designed for urban spaces and it spins to generate energy from where ever the wind comes from. The unique helical design and carbon fibre blades are designed for minimum noise and vibration. With in a year the energy generated by the wind turbine will be enough to power the car for 30,000 miles. Three charging points are installed with each of the six wind turbines installed. A wise decision indeed by the German car maker with the large scale field testing of the smart for two electric vehicles just around the corner, they want to ensure all hurdles are at bay to make the electric vehicle a success. Via: AutoBlogGreen

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