Volvo demonstrates eco-friendly trucks

volvo co2 free trucks

The bigger the engine in a vehicle the more it emits, and there are not many vehicles on this planet that have engines bigger than those installed in trucks. Volvo wants to clean their trucks as the company has demonstrated seven trucks that can be powered with seven different types of eco-friendly fuels.

These trucks are equipped with Volvo’s own 9-liter engines that have been modified to operate on renewable liquid and gaseous fuels. These fuels include biodiesel, biogas combined with biodiesel, ethanol/methanol, DME, synthetic diesel and hydrogen gas combined with biogas.

Since all the fuels have an organic origin, they don’t emit CO2 just like other trucks in their class. The company conducted tests on various types of renewable fuels to find out the most useful fuels for CO2 free transport. They also considered the energy efficiency of the fuel before developing the compliant engine.

Volvo has also stated that they are ready with the technology and should be able to introduce these trucks in the near future, however, the supply of renewable fuels is significantly limited and there is no large-scale production either. This is one thing that Volvo will be considering before rolling out these trucks in the market.

Via: Eco Geek

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