VLHT: Soaring in to the skies with a new hybrid green design!

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This looks more like a high-end war machine that is supposed to destroy all targets from the sky, but on the contrary it is a design that could save lives and make for a better future and help out those in need of urgent medical aid. Like in the case of all modern technology it can be developed and used for both the good and the ugly and hopefully this will be used to save lives rather than take them. The Hybrid Transport Aircraft design from Falx Air is a wonder on wings that can be used for more than a single task.

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The Very Light Hybrid Transport (VLHT) can be adapted to carry six passengers, or four stretchers and two medical staff. Like the company’s hybrid-electric tilt-rotor aircraft platform unveiled earlier this year, the design combines automotive hybrid electric technology with a fast charge battery system and solar cells to deliver exceptional fuel economy. It can also be used as a standard light cargo platform, mid-air light re-fuelling or surveillance aircraft.
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The basic performance specs released to date put its range at around 1430 miles (2300 km +40 min Res) with a top speed of just under 300mph (480kmh) and a cruise speed of 251 mph (405kmh) dropping to 68 mph (110kmh) before it stalls. Short take‐off and landing capabilities and the ability to use grass strips also add to its versatility. The best part is that it integrates solar energy with the conventional energy making the flight a lot greener than ever before. As the world anxiously waits to see how swell the aviation industry can clean itself up, this technology surely lends a helping hand.
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