Vegetable oil powered hybrid ‘cherry picker’ truck by TXU

cherry picker hybrid truck

Here is a ‘cherry picker’ truck that goes hybrid. It is powered by 20 percent vegetable oil. Amist the soaring fuel prices across the world and the environmentalists’ increasing concerns of ‘greenhouse gas emission’ effects on the environment, the TXU Electric Delivery unveiled its new vegetable-powered truck in Tyler. As a part of a systemwide tour, the company has launched it on Tuesday morning.

Running on a bio-diesel combination, the hybrid bucket truck is powered by 80 percent diesel and 20 percent vegetable oil. It also runs on battery power. With the new truck, the company eventually saves up to $4,500 in fuel costs, per vehicle a year.

George Bennet, Tyler TXU district manager said,

Batteries in this new hybrid truck can store 25 kilowatts of electricity. That’s enough to operate the bucket for up to two hours without the engine running, which translates into fuel savings and lower emissions.

Via: zwire

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