Understanding The Beneficial Uses Of Sustainable Wood Flooring


When most people hear the word ‘sustainable’, they connect it with boring, plain inculcation of objects and actions in our lives which comprises on style. But this is far from true. Especially when it comes to home décor, sustainability isn’t the antithesis of style, but rather, a synonym of the latter. When you opt for eco-friendly interiors for your house, you are combining the best of both the worlds. And when it comes to wood flooring – you cannot deny that this is one aspect of home décor that takes away the cake for being a sustainable option that comes enriched with style and elegance. Read on to know 4 reasons why wood flooring is just the perfect option for your house.

Wood doesn’t waste much

Sustainable-Wood-FlooringFlooring has high manufacturing costs. Not only that, the end result for most flooring options is a high amount of waste – which includes raw materials and toxic chemicals. This impacts our environment in a more harmful way than we could have ever imagined. Flooring materials such as tile, linoneum and carpet often consume more energy and chemicals during the manufacturing process than wood.

The sawdust and wood chips left behind after wood flooring has been manufactured are used to create paper and various other composite products. This means, little to zero waste. If you wish to create a sustainable home, then choosing wood flooring should be the first thing in your list.

Wood floorings are long lasting

Did you know that if you care for your wooden floors and maintain it with diligence, they can last for upto a 100 years? Also, if the wood flooring from the last century looks a little out of the place to the future generation, they can always refinish and restain it at affordable costs. How much of this can you say for laminate and linoneum? These two last for 15-25 years, while a carpet has a life span of only 8-10 years.

Wood flooring is a sustainable option in the long run because it is durable and sturdy, and does not show the effect of wear and tear very easily. While laminate and linoneum might seem like a cheaper option than wood floorings, the latter will give you the best value for your money in the long run.

Wood floorings can improve the indoor air quality

Sustainable-Wood-FlooringTrees inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen. And by extension, wood does that same, even after it has been harvested. No wonder wood floorings are sustainable. They have an extremely low carbon footprint. Not only that, wood floorings have a hypoallergenic quality to them – and hence, the improve the indoor air quality and purifies the air we breathe in.

Unlike numerous flooring materials that use glue and adhesives, wood floors don’t let animal dander, dust, and mold stick to them. So, not only do you get to breathe in a better air quality when you choose sustainable wood for floors, but also get to stay away from allergens and germs which can harm you in a gradual manner.

You can reuse your wood floorings

As stated before, wood floorings can be refinished and restained once they start to look old. And since wood is reusable, you can literally recycle it and create other interior focal points out of it. If not that, then you can turn the recycled wood into tables or bookshelves.

In today’s day and age, recycled wood has got a certain aesthetic appeal to it – so much so, that many people prefer to intentionally purchase the same for their homes. A long life span, a touch of reusability, a lesser carbon footprint and much more make sustainable wood floorings a great thing to have in the house. Go for it.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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