Ultrasonic sound can accelerate corn-sugar release for ethanol production by nearly 30%

Ultrasonic machines producing sound waves of high frequency can accelerate the rate of corn sugar release, which is used to produce ethanol – the eco-friendly fuel-alternative to global warming-causing fossil fuels.

iowa state university

Hats off to David Grewell for this discovery, as the demand for bio-fuel is rising dramatically – be it for the rising price of fuel or rising concerns for increasing greenhouse gas emissions. Grewell is an Iowa State University assistant professor of agricultural and biosystems engineering

The 20 kilohertz waves, too high for human hearing, when created in a bucket the sound waves bubbles the liquid with a loud hiss. The power of cavitations of the waves can tear an aluminum foil sheet apart.

This observation helped the researcher conclude that ‘ultrasonics’ can break corn kernels used to produce ethanol in a similar way. The ultrasonic treatment experiment made in a lab has increased the release rates of corn sugars by nearly 30 percent!

Via: Science Daily

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