The basics of power saving with Virtualization

virtualizartion saves power

Virtualization in layman terms means to make one server do the work of many. If you have four servers installed that are only 20% laden and you remove three of them and assign all the work to one, it means Virtualization.

Many think that this is a good way to save power and hence the planet, but some have a different opinion. If we are using a single server to do the work of four servers that were originally 20% laden then the one virtualized server will now be 80% laden. More work means more power; hence the net profit is a big zero.

Virtualization can account for a massive 20 to 1 reduction in hardware and it is hard to believe that it does not make up for any power saving. The thing here is that processors are not the only power eaters in a server, there are other hardware as well. According to IBM only 30 percent of the total power used in a server is consumed by the processor, rest all is consumed by fans, cooling systems, memory and power supply. So the increase from 20% to 80% is only in the processor that it accounts for just 30% of the total power utilized.

After virtualization the server power increases by just 18% but you are also retiring three servers. The fans and the power supplies will have to work harder because of the increase in the power required by the processor, but that is insignificant when compared to the power that is being saved. Finally, all calculation comes down to show that you would be having a pretty hefty 70% saving.

So, the final take is that users should first establish exactly what amount of power they might save by virtualization, once properly checked they can surely save power, money and the planet with their venture.

Via: Tree Hugger

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