Tankless Water Heater to prevent holes in your pocket

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Conventional water heaters have to constantly heat and store a reservoir of water in their bellies. Mostly, this heated water loses all its heat, resulting in what is called ‘Standby Heat Loss’. This not only proves to be frustrating when you need a hot bath after tiring office hours but to add to the woes they also account for a whooping 13% of a typical electricity bill.

Try a tankless water heater instead! These units not only save some power but also deliver hot water when you need it. Unlike conventional heaters they don’t stuff large volumes of water in them, rather when you open the tap cold water rushes into them through a pipe, where it is heated by a gas burner or an electric element, and continues directly to the tap.

If you are looking for a water heater that knows when you are in need of a hot shower, then go for a tankless unit. Those of you who choose an eligible model can also get a $300 federal tax credit for 2007.

Via: The Daily Green

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