Sustainable Horizontal Scraper is adorned with a green roof

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Eco Factor: Eco-friendly structure designed to harvest rainwater and reduce energy consumption.

The Horizontal Scraper is the brainchild of designers Rae Won Noh, In Ki Kim, Jeong Tae Kim, Hyo Bin Jung and Jang Ook Lee and has been conceptualized to reduce the environmental impact of high rise buildings. Unlike conventional skyscrapers, the Horizontal Scraper rests above the ground level on roofs of existing buildings.

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The 15-story tall structure “floats” on the skyline without blocking natural light necessary for the buildings underneath. The mixed-use structure provides space for residences, offices and recreation areas. The rooftop is adorned with green garden with sports facilities. Moreover, the roof also includes rainwater harvesting systems, which help in reducing solar heat gain as well.

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Via: Evolo

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