Students design unique campus pavilion from recycled beer boxes

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Eco Factor: Students design pavilion using abandoned beer boxes.

Students at the University of Applied Sciences in Detmold have designed a unique pavilion using abandoned beer boxes. Dubbed as the Boxel, the structure was planned to provide a scenic background for a number of on campus events. The entire configuration uses minimal physical space and consists of more than 2,000 beer boxes organized along free geometry.

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The pattern uses a simple system of slats and screws to assemble the pavilion while at the same time allowing for a flexible and invisible connection. Additional bracings were placed in the upper part of the boxes to generate the required stiffness while the structural load transfer was realized by concrete-lined boxes at the three base points that served as foundation for the pavilion. The structure can easily disassembled making way for the boxes to be recycled.

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Via: ArchDaily

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