Stem Cell Therapy: What is it and What are its Benefits?

Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cell therapy is basically a kind of regenerative medicine. It primarily uses stem cells to treat heal a patient’s body. If you suffer pain resulting from an injury or aging process, experts can magnify and harness your body’s healing potential to avoid surgical intervention and repair the damage. Therapies using stem cells work well because they have different healing and regenerative properties.

Over 30 years ago, scientists found that cells deriving from the bone marrow can form different tissues. And under suitable conditions, they can develop into other kinds of cells with the potential of damaged regenerative tissues.

Forms of Stem Cells

Well, stem cells can be divided into two major forms. These include adult and embryonic stem cells. Typically, adult stem cells are of two forms. One comes from fully developed tissues. These can be bone marrow, skin, and brain.

There are a small number of stem cells in those tissues. They are likely to generate certain kinds of cells. For instance, stem cells, which come from the liver, only make liver cells.

On the other hand, embryonic stem cells come from unused embryos. Normally, this results from in vitro fertilization procedures.

Who is the Right Candidate for the Therapy?

Healthcare experts use stem cell therapy to treat blood diseases or life-threatening cancer. Unfortunately, not every individual with these conditions may undergo therapy. Several factors must be put into consideration, including the following:

  • Previous treatments
  • Other medical conditions
  • Stem cells’ source

How Long It Takes for the Therapy to Work

There is no evidence that stem cell clinics provide stem cell therapy that is safe or effective. Unlike approved procedures outlined by FDA, unapproved treatments directly marketed to patients are performed and developed with oversight.

Although stem cell clinics usually tout testimonials from contented clients, there are large-scale clinical trials to demonstrate that the perceived benefits of the therapy are not the result of placebo effects.

Generally, the procedure lasts for several hours. But recovery takes weeks. And during this period, you will be closely monitored by nurses and physicians for side effects.


This therapy can be helpful in managing chronic and long-term conditions. These include conditions, which cause pain as well as other symptoms.

Although therapy may be used on its own, normally, it is used with other types of therapies to ensure optimal effects. One known benefit of the therapy is that it treats cardiovascular diseases.

According to researchers, stems cells that come from adult bone marrow may differentiate into those needed to repair heart and blood vessels because of the secretion of growth factors.

Another condition that stem cell therapy can help with is arthritis. This is an inflammatory condition, which can affect your joints. The therapy helps to handle the condition by reducing inflammation and repairing joint cartilage.

The Bottom Line!

Stem cell therapy plays a vital role when it comes to regenerative medicine. It has proven helpful in treating conditions such as cancer, heart disease, arthritis, and orthopedic illnesses, to name a few. But before you get the therapy, consult a qualified healthcare expert to advise you accordingly.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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