Steampunk Treehouse: It’s the sun’s abode!

steampunk treehouse

The Steampunk Treehouse is a large steel tree and treehouse designed in the “Steampunk” style. Visitors are allowed into the bulkhead door at the base of the trunk and then must climb the inner structure to get into the treehouse at the top. It debuted at the Burning Man festival in Nevada, US, in August 2007. Lighting is predominantly hi-flux LEDs in custom designed arrangements.

The house would definitely serve a perfect abode for Tarzan. Heard of such kinda treehouses in stories and at times saw them on T.V, but never came across such an amazing masterpiece, ‘The Steampunk treehouse’. There are many reasons for it making the headlines; courtesy to the look and most amazingly can’t forget the solar powered LED lights. Don’t miss on it at night coz that’s when the real flavor starts building.

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